Some praise for The Thief, The Witch, The Toad & The Mushroom

My game is officially out and it's reached a Very Positive rating on steam, with 100% positive reviews so far. Releasing this game and seeing such a wonderful response has honestly been one of the most joyful and affirming moments in my life. Please give it a go if you haven't played it yet - it's 100% free! And please join me on my new discord server if you want to chat about the game and get announcements about upcoming projects.

Below are some of my favourite reviews and comments from people who liked it.

I will always think about this game when I think about visual novels or even writing in games that really blew me away, Well Fucking Done.
- Scrap Princess

This game has absorbed me and my neighbour since we found it yesterday. It is so good. It is currently 3 am and he just finished his playthrough. We are literally unable to sleep. Masterpiece. Absolutely gorgeous. I cannot properly express how we are both feeling right now. You cooked. 

- Parthikleon

If you were ever a little kid reading late into the night, and you want to feel the way it felt back then again, even just a little, give the game a go.

Fantastic game. I don't know if I have ever played something so wonderfully ominous. The story is so much larger than it initially appears, and the journey to uncover the truth is wrought with so many delightful, yet horrible turns. The characters have a lot of depth to them; just when you think you know everything about them, something else is revealed, even darker than anything you had learned before. This game manages to perfectly deliver the sensation of spiraling downwards into a dreadful and inescapable fate. It is so rare to find a story that can hit all those notes perfectly, but this one does. Congratulations on the game, and thank you for sharing this story.

When I first saw the developer of the game, early on while playing this, I figured it was some sort of meta joke; a, "I'll come up with a real name later", and just wrote it off as the humor of the game. The more I played it, the more I appreciated that humor, with styles, and ideas ripped from dozens of stories we're all at least a little familiar with. When McNamee is being playful, he's fun, taking you into a world of endearing characters who all have something fun to say, characters who come to life in their little idiosyncrasies, from the Frog who will never stop reminding you how he has never lost at anything in his life, or the Mushroom who thinks your attempts at art are just dreadfully boring, the author manages to keep a smile on your face throughout.

But the Author isn't just trying to be playful, as the story unfolds, or really, is retold, he brings new texture to all the words he wrote earlier, little moments you didn't realize you appreciated. A sense of wonder, the smell of mystery, a feeling of dread. And by the time the story comes to an end, regardless of how you have chosen to end it, you're left with a sense of longing, to read those words for the first time again, to spend more time with those characters, to see more of this world that McNamee had so lovingly, and skillfully put together. It is rare you can finish a work of fiction, and be left only with that bittersweet feeling of loss, but McNamee manages it.

This is likely the best Visual novel I've ever read, despite its shorter length, despite its shoe string budget built on public domain art work, this is a story I will not soon forget. And Jack McNamee, is a name I will be very sure to remember, because I very much want to know what he does next.

-  Zenning

everything is perfect about this game. One night i couldn t sleep and just decided to open this game, and after playing for an hour i felt too cozy and relaxed that i only wanted to hit the hay.. 10/10

ps: it made me cry in the end..